Education and Digital Divide in Times of COVID-19. Profiles and Problematics Experienced by Young Students to Confront their Studies During the Lockdown
Online education, COVID-19, digital divide, quantitative analysis
In this paper we analyze the main profiles and problematics experienced by secondary (mandatory and non-mandatory) and university students to confront the academic year during the lockdown caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. From a bivariate and multivariate quantitative analysis based on the research De puertas adentro y pantallas afuera. Jóvenes en confinamiento (Sanmartín et al., 2020), we describe how the most vulnerable social groups had difficulties in keeping up with online education. Besides, a typology of difficulties experienced for students it is elaborated (Q1-withouth important problems, Q2-technic problems, Q3-psico-social problems, Q4-competency-problems) to measure the diverse types of difficulties according to subjects’ sociodemographic profile. Lack of competencies is the most generalized difficulty to continue studying , although structural conditions (lack of time and space, ICT accessibility, state of mind, etc.) are particularly relevant among the most vulnerable social groups (low-class, foreign population, rural areas, women).
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