The Compacted School Schedule as A Resource for Intensive Mothering. A Look From the Valencian Region
Maternidad intensiva, jornada escolar, género, individualización, tiempoAbstract
The «ideology of intensive mothering» (Hays, 1998), according to which the mother’s priority is to respond to the needs of her children by investing large amounts of economic, temporal and emotional resources, provides in this article a clarifying perspective to better understand the support of a large number of families for the continuous school day. The article represents a first approach to the relationship between intensive mothering and the school day, based on theoretical reflection on the existing bibliography on the social construction of motherhood, the analyses carried out on the school day in Spain and materials generated by educational centers. The results obtained, although tentative, point to the fact that the continuous school day is playing an important role in distinguishing the more affluent families, with greater resources to maximize the time left by the compact timetable. At the same time, it implies a strengthening of individual responsibility, in this case of mothers in particular, which entails the individualization characteristic of reflexive modernity and which may generate an increase in inequality.
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