Untimely School Hours
horario escolar, cronotipo, jetlag social, jornada escolar
The growing body of evidence in the chronobiology and chronomedicine literatures questions whether the organization of school learning times takes account of biological time and, in particular, in relation to time for rest and eating, and the academic activity- alertness-fatigue cycles. In the fields of both health studies and education concern is growing concern over the consequences for health and academic performance of a per-manent mismatch between the social clock and students’ internal clocks. In this article, we conduct a comparative study of European school schedules in relation to local solar time in each state from a sociological perspective. This is the first study to adopt this lens and it reveals some interesting data related to school day start times and lunch break times in Europe. It recommends reforms to education hours in order to achieve education systems that respect the health and well-being of students and, thus, allow greater and more efficient use of educational resources.
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