The Bourdieu Effect: the Sociology of Education Practiced as Epistemological Critique
Sociology is a scientific and social practice that forms part of the symbolic systems of a society divided into classes, hence it can have ideological uses. But the epistemological practice is a scientific and social practice too and this is why it is also problematic as the guarantor of the sociology’s scientificity. Sociological and epistemological practices act on social structures and processes of social change, contributing to their constitution as spaces of domination. If Sociology cannot use epistemology to establish itself as a science, a way is opened for it to apply its analysis of symbolic and ideological systems to itself, and to become critical and reflexive, being the sociology of sociology the necessary condition for its practice. Epistemology presents the same problems of scientific grounding as sociology and Bourdieu turns to the sociology of education for its sociological grounding. The ideological nature of sociology and epistemology can be determined, if both are practised differently. The aim of this paper is to set out the basis of Bourdieu’s research programme concerning the sociological analysis of the sociological field which enables the methodological foundation of epistemology. The method used is comparative. We map the configuration of instruments used by Bourdieu’s programme on the basis of a comparison with the tools used by Marx, Kant and Wittgenstein in their critique of «theoristic» epistemology. The hypothesis formulated is that the implementation of a materialist theory of knowledge requires a re-thinking of the concepts of «ideology», «perspective» and «relation».
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