Importance of Formal Regulation in Academic-Professional Linkage: The Case of Auditing Techniques (First Results)




Labor Sciences, socio-labor audit, profession, academic-professional linkage.


One of the underlying objectives of current university teaching is to try to connect it with the professional reality that graduates will later find in the labor market. In highly applied subjects, the existence of an official normative regulation becomes a key element for the success of any teaching proposal. In this context, the present research tries to study the effect of official regulations on an educational innovation proposal in Labor Sciences. To this end, a quantitative methodology is used through a survey by means of a standardized questionnaire to the students of the subject of Audit Techniques of 3rd year of the Degree in Labor Relations and Human Resources of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Valencia, from the courses 2017-2018 to 2020-2021 (n=311) that evaluates different aspects related to their degree of satisfaction with the methodology, practices, contents and support materials, as well as with the perception about the projection of the subject in the professional sphere. The results obtained show the importance of the official regulation in the evaluation of the difficulties faced by the socio-labor audit, as well as the existence of an association between the variables of perception of the usefulness of the subject and as a good professional outlet with respect to the courses before or after the new regulation, so that the modification of the evaluations can be attributed to a large extent to this circumstance.


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Author Biographies

Ricard Calvo Palomares, Universitat de València

Departament de Sociologia i Antropologia Social, Facultat de Ciències Socials

Juli Antoni Aguado Hernández, Universitat de València

Departament de Sociologia i Antropologia Social, Facultat de Ciències Socials

Enric Sigalat Signes, Universitat de València

Departament de Treball Social i Serveis Socials,  Facultat de Ciències Socials

Raúl Payá Castiblanque, Universitat de València

Departament de Sociologia i Antropologia Social, Facultat de Ciències Socials


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How to Cite

Calvo Palomares, R., Aguado Hernández, J. A., Sigalat Signes, E., & Payá Castiblanque, R. (2022). Importance of Formal Regulation in Academic-Professional Linkage: The Case of Auditing Techniques (First Results). Revista De Sociología De La Educación-RASE, 15(3), 383–398.
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