Repensando el desajuste en el mercado de trabajo. A propósito de la primera inserción laboral de los titulados en Formación Profesional
Labour market, training, employment, norm, speciality, skills, qualifications.
The National Frameworks of Qualifications have as main purpose the settlement of the correspondence and adequacy between levels and specialities of training and employment. In Spain the National Institute of Qualifications (INCUAL) establishes the adequacy between different types of training and employment, defining the official norm of reference: a biyective set of matching’s that are considered a priori as “the right ones”, and that are termed in this article as “normative”. In this article we analyse the data provided by the ETEFIL survey in order to compare it with the normative matching established by the National Qualification and Professional Training System (SNCFP). On the one hand, we verify to what extent the scheme of relationships established by the SNCFP represents the real matching’s that are produced between trainings and employments that youngsters have. On the other hand, we find out, through two indicators (subjective adequacy and salary) that the matching’s that do not fit into the norm proposed by the SNCP do not necessarily translate into a worse labour insertion.
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