Democratic school
school democracy, ethnography, classroom, educative innovation
Main traits of several democratic schools –primary and secondary, public and private ones- in Spain –in which the author has spend some time doing ethnographic work- are presented in this paper. The name “democratic school” was coined by Michael Apple and James Beane in a book with the same title. A democratic school meets, at least, three requirements. First of all, it must create conditions that guarantee schools success for everyone. Secondly, life in schools and classrooms –specially curriculum- must be widely democratic. And, in the third place, participation in control and management of school should be promoted.
This paper focuses on these seven features: curriculum globalization, a teaching based on dialogue, use of library, handling of new technologies, a singular way of organizing the classroom, special relationships with the surroundings and the accomplishment of a democratic living together.
Schools presented here propose to create inquisitive and participative citizens, annoying for political power –irrespective of its ideology-. These schools –specially primary schools- create people sympathetic, ready to get in touch with people from different backgrounds, able to solve problems appealing to dialogue.
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