Evaluation of an environmental education proposal between the University and a conservation organisation. Let’s help the Montagu’s harrier!
Service-Learning, Environmental Education, critical thinking, biodiversity, rural school
Service-learning is an effective way of connecting academic practices to society. This contribution presents an educational experience that was developed in the framework of an awareness-raising campaign on the conservation of Montagu’s harrier. The Spanish Ornithological Society (SEO/BirdLife), the Faculty of Education of Segovia at the University of Valladolid, the Provincial Council of Segovia and several rural schools collaborated in this project. The aim of the article is to evaluate the performance of this experience designed by students of the Degree in Primary Education. To do this, a questionnaire was designed for the six professionals who implemented the proposal between 2016 and 2018. The results, organized into four categories of analysis, show that the service-learning experience has worked adequately since, in addition to having an unquestionable formative value for the students involved, it has responded to the needs of the awareness campaign, which aims to generate citizens committed to their environment.
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