“Memory sites” against historical silence. The Second Spanish Republic female teachers’ perspective in the novel La maestra republicana (2013) by Elena Moya
memory sites, woman teachers, 20th century, literaturesAbstract
The novel La maestra republicana (2013) by Elena Moya portrays an introspective journey of Vallivana Querol, a former Republican teacher, towards the 20th century. This remembrance is led by “memory sites”, described by Pierre Nora as places that carry past memories within them ([1984] 2008). The main objective of my research is to analyse the literary recreation of these spaces from the critical and intimate perspective of the female protagonist. For that purpose, the studies of Astrid Erll in Memoria colectiva y culturas del recuerdo (2012) will provide the theoretical basis for the analysis of the novel as a literary vehicle to reawake the remembrance of past epochs and to review collective memories.
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