«Chumy Chúmez. Una biografía». Autofiction, testimony and tributes
Spain, pictorial magazine, graphic-novel, Surrealism, Max ErnstAbstract
In 1973 the cartoonist and humorist Chumy Chúmez published the graphic novel, Chumy Chúmez. Una biografía. From the collage technique, he recoveres prints of the nineteenth century and provides an explicit homage to the great illustrators.
The book, written in the final years of the Franco regime, must be analyzed in the political context of its production, but also in the literary and artistic system of 70s. Both coordinates are visible in a graphic story by fragmentation, ellipsis and suggestion. The story introduces the reader to the moral climate of the dictatorship and, at the same time, reveals unequivocal evidence of a change of cycle, historical and aesthetic.
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