Bodies, sexuality and female identity: the poetry of María Sánchez (1989), Luna Miguel (1990) and Elvira Sastre (1992)
current Spanish poetry, feminism, women writers, body, sexuality, female identity, María Sánchez, Luna Miguel, Elvira SastreAbstract
The claims of the feminism are associated to a reflection about the position that women occupy in the society and reveal the need to think about the way in which the continuous attempt of domination by others on his body establishes a form of violence. However, how to use it as a tool to lead his vindications and to demand the equality that is being constantly damaged is one of the key proceedings for their emancipation. María Sánchez (1989), Luna Miguel (1990) and Elvira Sastre (1992) are three known current writers who represent three different, but parallel, poetical styles of our literary panorama. Their verses have much to say about their women's condition. Through them these authors are reaffirmed as citizens, workers, mothers, daughters or lovers and try to pave their way in a context which is frequently revealed hostile. The pages of their books inquiry reiteratedly in aspects as sexuality, maternity and the relation with their bodies, making up a try to ratify their identity across the poetical writing.
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