The Universal Myth. Reconstruction and Deconstruction of Indigenous Identity in Relatos de El Viejo Antonio by Subcomandante Marcos
Mythological Conversion, Global Communication, Dominating Culture, Native Identity, UtopiaAbstract
This contribution analyses the use and political function of myths in the Relatos de El Viejo Antonio, written by Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos. By focussing on the mythical figures of the rain and the activity of smoking (both very prominent in the Relatos), we will show that Marcos uses indigeneous mythical traditions as well as classical european mythical narratives to create a new transnational mythical language which the Zapatists propose as an alternative to the highly technical and exclusive discourse of our time. This mythological conversion by Marcos deconstructs and reconstructs current perceptions of indigenous identity in Mexico, opening it up to global communication while at the same time reassessing its value for a future society.
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