Victimizers in documentary cinema. A posible taxonomy
Cine Documental, genocidio, perpetradores, violencia política, victimariosAbstract
This paper is part of an investigation on the representation of genocides in documentary film. In this instance, we will ask about how the perpetrators are presented on the screen, having this article as an objective to expose a taxonomy of the representations of the perpetrators in the documentary cinema. For this, after presenting some possible debates on the subject, the problem will be thought suggesting forms and modalities of representation of the victimizer in the documentary cinema. Two great discursive forms will be suggested ?visual and verbal? and four modalities of representation ?“Archival”, “Evocative”, “Declarative” and “Participatory”? being the combination of both which will allow to analyze the diverse strategies of representation of this actor in the documentary cinema.
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