Multilingualism and Gentrification in Lavapiés’ Linguistic Landscape
multilingualism, immigration, gentrification, Linguistic Landscape, LavapiésAbstract
The following interdisciplinary paper is a sociolinguistic-based analysis of the discursive strategies associated to multilingualism and interculturality in Lavapiés, Madrid. This study will focus on the visible semiotic sings observed in the public space, which in turn reflect the languages used and the products marketed in Lavapiés. However, the samples also suggest that this -genuine- interculturality is being exploited as a marketing strategy linked to gentrification. The combined analysis of both realities will allow, together with data from official sources, to draw a complete picture of this specific territory. Multilingualism and gentrification will be analysed using a Linguistic Landscape perspective, by studying the samples contained in Lavapiés’ Linguistic Cartography, that include traces of these two parallel processes the territory is undergoing. A detailed contextualization of the territory -where these communicative, social, and economic events take place- will also be provided since this area has historically helped shape Madrid’s genuine tradition. The observed results have not only revealed that both processes are present and undergoing in this territory, but also the power imbalance between the languages, the effects of globalization –touristification and gentrification-, the organized response by the neighbours of Lavapiés, as well as the longterm effects of colonialism.
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