Science fictionnal mechanism, novum and mythical substrate in Central America and Caribbean novel: Franz Galich ‘s Tikal Futura (2012), Rafael Pernett y Morales’ El indio sin ombligo (2007) and Rita Indiana’s La mucama de Omicunlé (2015)
Science-Fiction, Caribbean, Central America, Galich, Indiana, Pernett y MoralesAbstract
This work is a cross study of three novels from the Caribbean and Central American area: Guatemalan-Nicaraguan Franz Galcih’s Tikal Futura (2012), Panamanian Rafael Pernett y Morales’s El indio sin ombligo (2007), and Dominican Rita Indiana’s La mucama de Omicunlé (2015). We will analyse the way in which the science fictional mechanism is set up: the configuration of an overarching strangeness, and the different modalities of emergence of the novum (Suvin). We will also study the ways in which the peripheric cultures’ (native and of African descent) mythical substrate acts as within the textual fabric. Lastly, we will address the three texts’ transtextual dimension (with an emphasis on metatextuality) and the texts’ relationship to the science fiction “architext”.
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