Remains, traces and Memories in Cristina Rivera Garza’s El invencible verano de Liliana
Memory, Femicide, Affects, FeminismAbstract
This article analyzes how Cristina Rivera Garza builds memory around the femicide of her sister in El invencible verano de Liliana (2021). It starts from observing that, when working deeply with memories from the present, the cultural frameworks from past experiences are reconfigured providing the tools and language that affect the way memories are recalled. In this sense, the language and perspective that both theoretical and activist feminisms bring to Rivera Garza trigger memories from a different situationality. Then, the article proposes that Rivera Garza’s journey allows her to link research and montage tasks with the mobilization of affects and memories. Thus, she is configuring another archive, a mobile and multidimensional map-plan that traces connections from the past to the present. Through this archive, it is possible to reflect on the past with current tools and construct a dynamic memory that challenges its readers, also activating them. The dynamism that she advocates for, from a work that is difficult to categorize in a particular genre, is part of its political dimension.
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