Rhetorical strategies and subjective perspectives in 'Un testigo fugaz y disfrazado and 'Un testigo perenne y delatado'
Severo Sarduy, Witness, Anamorphosis, Allegory, Homoeroticism, Death, HIV-AIDSAbstract
This article examines the poems of Severo Sarduy in Un testigo fugaz y disfrazado and Un testigo perenne y delatado as thanatographic texts that explore the awareness of illness and death. Sarduy’s theoretical reflections on “guarded freedom” in poetry are analyzed as strategies for survival and creative stimulation. Un testigo fugaz y disfrazado employs a “peripheral thanatography” that utilizes euphemisms, allegories, and anamorphic allusions to conceal meaning. Additionally, the poetic and political significations of homoerotic practices within the context of the HIV/AIDS pandemic are explored. In Un testigo perenne y delatado, the shift in perspective of the “witness” in the face of approaching death is examined. These texts exhibit a contemplative and emotive transformation, offering insights into the author’s mourning process.
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