Analysis of the canon of female beauty and its digital manipulation in the advertising of perfumes
Photoshop, Women, feminine beauty, Communication, Gender stereotypes, Perfume advertisingAbstract
Female beauty is a cultural phenomenon of society, where the canon of beauty reproduced in advertising turns women into another product of the consumer market. Currently, female beauty is redesigned by photo retouching programs or by digital filters from mobile applications that manipulate female images, creating unreal women. This article aims to identify how the female model of beauty disseminated in society through advertising is achieved. To do this, an iconographic and comparative method was applied through the Adobe Photoshop program, 100 perfume advertisements were selected, published between the years 2000 and 2020, which were compared with other unpublished images, whose corrections were minimal or non-existent. Using a series of variables, the current canon of female beauty was analyzed and how it had been applied to different female models. The results obtained show that all the images have been manipulated to alter the aesthetics of the models, idealizing an unreal feminine beauty that establishes a canon that is difficult to achieve for women.
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- 2024-09-15 (2)
- 2024-03-07 (1)
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