“Que la academia salga a la calle!”: academic knowledge and public space in the Chilean revolt of 2019
Academia, Public space, Social outbreak, literatureAbstract
How to generate a significant and reciprocal articulation between academia and society, which is also capable of confronting the rise of neo-fascist discourses? This is the question that the following article addresses and develops, which attempts an answer from the public and, more specifically, from the public space. Our proposal is that the articulation between academia and society can be developed and/or strengthened (or sensitized) to the extent that academic knowledge occupies and uses public space, but adapting to the characteristics of this space. It is argued that the occupation of public space must be governed by a democratic antagonism and by an exercise of translation of academic knowledge adjusted to the heterogeneity that constitutes the public. To develop our proposal, we analyze some artistic and literary manifestations produced in the context of the Chilean social outbreak of October 2019, which, from our perspective, sufficiently exemplify the articulation between academia and society in the senses that we indicate.
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