Methodological Proposal for the implementation of gamification tools in the training of Primary School Teachers
methodology, teacher training, learning environment, motivation, gamification, video games, teaching
Numerous studies have confirmed that gamification develops favorable scenarios for student learning by encouraging student involvement and promoting a more active role. Starting from this premise, in this article we describe an experience we developed with first-grade teacher- training students to find a learning environment that will encourage student involvement in the construction of learning in a challenging and stimulating way. Other aims of this experience are to enable students to face awkward situations responsibly, work on their social and communica- tion skills, and employ critical, creative and contextualized thinking. To evaluate the success of this experience, after its implementation we analyzed the results by comparing responses from parti- cipating students with those from a group from the same Degree and university who employed a different methodology. To gather information, we administered an internationally validated survey – the Student Engagement Questionnaire – and corroborated its validity and reliability with the participants of our study. Our main results are that this methodological experience based on gami- fication promoted a motivating teaching-learning environment, encouraged significant interaction between teachers and students, promoted self-managed learning, interpersonal and communicative skills, and developed student adaptability, while also creating a playful and dynamic atmosphere. We therefore conclude that proper planning and gamification development help to create environ- ments that enrich learning at the university level, improve the management of knowledge and trai- ning content, and develop important transversal skills for the training of future Elementary School teachers.
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