Metaverbal Dimensions of Videotutorials for Language Teaching: Corpus Analysis and Itinerary Design
This article explores the Language Teaching Videotutorial (LTV), an emerging tool in language didactics, analyzing its characteristics, potentialities, and limitations. The research is based on the analysis of the use of LTV, which has significantly increased since the pandemic. By examining a corpus of 24 LTV channels, and a total of 72 LTV s in Catalan, English, French, and Portuguese; it details the regularities of this hypergenre of multimodal text and proposes a didactic modeling. It is considered that VELs can aid in the development of metaverbal thinking and autonomous learning within the framework of working with interaction and multimodality in teaching practice. The work concludes with the proposal of didactic itineraries that integrate videotutorials into broader and more effective learning processes, based on the LTV project Apunts de Llengua from the Valencian public television À Punt.
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