The conversion of the atom: Nuclear science and ideology in Francoist Spain


  • Xavier Roqué Rodríguez Department of Philosophy and the Centre for the Study of the History of Science (CEHIC) of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain).


Paraules clau:

science, Franco regime, technology, nuclear energy


At the beginning of the atomic age, Francoist Spain launched an expensive project to develop, research and use nuclear energy. Scientists, the military and high-ranking officials in the administration mobilised to materialise a technoscientific dream with an international scope. The modernity of nuclear science contrasts with the reactionary ideology of the regime, but the paradox is only apparent because until now there has not necessarily been any historical relationship between science and democracy. The drive towards nuclear technoscience reveals the mutual construction of science and politics during the Cold War era and the different ways to appropriate and exploit the atom during the dictatorship.


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Biografia de l'autor/a

Xavier Roqué Rodríguez, Department of Philosophy and the Centre for the Study of the History of Science (CEHIC) of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain).

Member of the Department of Philosophy and the Centre for the Study of the History of Science (CEHIC) of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain). He studied the relationship between physics, culture and gender and has published works on the history of radioactivity, relativity and quantum physics. Together with Néstor Herran, he published the volume La física en la dictadura. Físicos, cultura y poder en España, 1939-1975 (“Physics under the dictatorship. Physicists, culture and power in Spain, 1939-1975”, 2012).


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Com citar

Roqué Rodríguez, X. (2017). The conversion of the atom: Nuclear science and ideology in Francoist Spain. Metode Science Studies Jornal, (7), 79–85.
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