El paper essencial de l'ecopedagogia en l'ensenyament de la ciutadania global i el desenvolupament sostenible


  • Greg William Misiaszek Assistant Professor, Beijing Normal University, Faculty of Education, Institute of Educational Theories Associate Director, Paulo Freire Institute, UCLA https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2622-1656

Mots-clés :

ecopedagogy, Paulo Freire, education for sustainable development (ESD), global citizenship education (GCE)




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Biographie de l'auteur

Greg William Misiaszek, Assistant Professor, Beijing Normal University, Faculty of Education, Institute of Educational Theories Associate Director, Paulo Freire Institute, UCLA

Beijing Normal University, Faculty of Education, Institute of Educational Theories


ALSO USA: Paulo Freire Institute, UCLA


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Misiaszek, G. W. (2020a). Ecopedagogy: Critical Environmental Teaching for Planetary Justice and Global Sustainable Development. London: Bloomsbury.

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Comment citer

Misiaszek, G. W. (2021). El paper essencial de l’ecopedagogia en l’ensenyament de la ciutadania global i el desenvolupament sostenible. QUADERNS D’EDUCACIÓ CONTINUA, (44), 51–55. Consulté à l’adresse https://pasquin.uv.es/index.php/QEC/article/view/19081
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