Interculturality in Spanish Educational Policies in the 21st Century: Legislation and Plans of the Autonomous Communities
Intercultural education, education policies, educational legislation, educational planning.
Intercultural education in the 21st century has been defined as a priority focus of educational policies in European countries. This consideration has been influenced by the increase of foreign students, which has led to more culturally diverse educational contexts. This study focuses first on the development of the political framework of intercultural education in the European sphere and afterward concretizes this discourse in the Spanish educational context through the analysis of its educational policies: legislation and plans implemented by the administrations of the different autonomous communities, to identify and recognize the approaches that support intercultural education. The qualitative methodology has been used, through two instruments: documentary analysis and sixty in-depth interviews with technical and political representatives of educational administrations of all autonomous communities. The results show that intercultural education in Spain at the level of discourse is linked to the European intercultural perspective. They also expose that through the years and by territories there is a variety of orientations that are communicated with each other, most of them currently standing in an intercultural education linked to the inclusive model and within the coexistence plans.
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