Time and School. Contribution from Chronobiology and Chronopsychology to the Sociology of Education. Notes for Reflection
Cronobiología, cronopsicología, ritmos atencionales, ritmos memoria, sueño, hemisferio derecho, hemisferio izquierdoAbstract
The concern for a correct organization of school schedules focuses on the what (curriculum), the how (methodology) and when to teach, but this when it focuses most of the time on how to distribute the subjects to the throughout the day, or in the type of school day. Chronobiology and chronopsychology focus their gaze on the organization of the activity of the living being, the person, and provide knowledge about the optimal moments of certain activities and the convenience of respecting them within adaptive margins, such as activation and rest /sleep, attentional rhythm, memory, and intellectual activity as a whole, showing the complexity of their integration respecting the biological clock as well as integrating it socio-culturally, of a person in continuous change.
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