I Command my Hunger. Narratives Around the Food and the Eating Disorders as an Answer to the Internment in a Prison for Juvenile Offenders
Eating disorders, recruitment, juvenile offender, domination, diet.Abstract
This article analyzes the effects of the recruitment for the juvenile offenders. Specifically, in one object: the behavior in relation with the food and the different disorders about it as an empiric way to observe it. The reactions produced by the minors in their feeding process reflects the cultural shock about the internment and the cultural distance between their customs and the regulated and healthy diet, as well as their resistance to accept this new role as juvenile offenders. We have used the American Psychiatric Association´s manual as ethnographical tool to regroup the different speeches around the eating disorders. An ethnographic research about the speeches around the feeding behavior disturbances in a sample of children, who are carrying out an internment in a center for juvenile offenders and the relations between cultural aspects and the prison meanings. Dominated bodies, Goffman-roles performance or the pressure of the society over the person finds the feeding disturbances as a way of resistance against them.
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