Self-made digital materials for teaching space in teacher training: a didactic proposal
Self-made digital materials, Geographic space, Early Childhood Education
Today it is necessary for trainee teachers to develop their digital competence in order to be able to meet the educational needs of their future students. Among the many ways of working on this competence is that which is related to the self-construction of digital materials for educational use. In this sense, we present a didactic proposal that aims to promote digital competence in trainee teachers in the Early Childhood Education Degree at the University of Salamanca. Based on research and independent work, students must design a didactic proposal that allows them to teach a series of contents related to geographic space using self-built digital materials as didactic tools. The aim is to test the ability of future teachers to generate useful digital materials, as well as to work on digital competence as a means of improving comprehensive knowledge. Conducting a pretest and posttest has allowed us to quantify the evolution of the learning of the theoretical content to be addressed. In a sample of 52 subjects, all students experienced an increase in their grades following the implementation of this didactic proposal. The students’ average grade of 6 points out of 10 in the second test was higher in comparison with the first. Thus, it can be determined that the didactic proposal offered here yields positive results in terms of learning content related to geographical space.
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